SKLD Title Services

Current County Updates

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County Status County Certification Date
Adams As of 1/3/22: Will be opening county buildings on Mondays and resuming a five-day schedule. 2025-02-14
Arapahoe Offices will allow in-office recording by appointment only Monday through Friday. 2025-02-13
Boulder As of 4/19/21: Online/phone services available only (no in-person services), open Monday - Thursday 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, closed Fridays. 2025-02-12
Broomfield Recording will be available for in-person appointments Monday - Friday. 2025-02-13
Clear Creek As of 10/18/22: Will be trialing 4-day week, Monday-Thursday, from 1/3/23 through 5/12/2023. 2025-02-13
Denver In-person recording may be by appointment only. Strongly encouraging eRecording. 2025-01-17
Douglas Douglas is offering transactions online, by phone, kiosk, paperwork dropbox, or by limited appointment for available services in Motor Vehicle, Recording, Elections, and Clerk to the Board. 2025-02-13
Eagle As of 4/19/21: In-person services Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. 2025-02-14
El Paso The Recording Department offers in-person service by appointment at Citizens Service Center, Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. 2025-02-13
Elbert Staff processing eRecordings, mail, and items dropped off that fit in the drive through window on Monday through Thursday. Open Monday - Thursday 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM (lunch from 11-12:15). 2025-02-11
Jefferson In-person recording by appointment only. Office open Monday through Thursday and closed on Fridays. Any e-recordings and mailed documents received on Friday will be recorded on the following Monday. 2025-02-13
Larimer In-person recording by appointment only. 2025-02-13
Pueblo Offices closed to in-person transactions indefinitely, processing documents Monday through Friday. 2025-02-04
San Miguel As of 1/31/22: Open Monday - Thursday 7:30 AM to 5:45 PM, closed Fridays. 2025-02-13
Teller Open to the public for all services, no appointments needed. 2025-02-13
Weld Open Monday through Friday, 8am - 5pm 2025-02-13
Information contained in this document is collected from various sources and is rapidly changing. This document is meant for general reference only.
Updated 02/18/2025 11:07:01 AM


Current Scanning Progress: Film scanning updates

Scanning Requests: Click on the SKLD Imaging link to request any missing or incorrectly indexed images.

TIMS Plant Posting Errors: Click on the TIMS Support link to report any incorrect postings in the TIMS Plant.

Monthly Report: To access the SKLD Monthly reports, enter the username 'member' and the password provided to you under the heading Member Login at the left of the screen.

Contact Us Main: 303-695-3850 Support: 303-695-3872 E-mail: Support Hours: info
Support Hours
Mon - Fri: 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM
     5:00 PM to 11:00 PM
     (phone support only)
Saturday: 6:00 AM to 12:00 PM
     (phone support only)
Sunday: 12:00 PM to 11:00 PM
     (phone support only)
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